My name is Joachim Brandenberg. I am a Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Comic Artist und Animation Filmmaker from Germany. None of my comic books are available in any other language than my own. However, you can still enjoy the artwork and giggle over the funny german words in the text bubbles! And if that doesn’t satisfy your urge to know what the hell happens in these stories, convince your local comic book publisher to translate* and publish the book of your choice!
*Non-German publishers can apply at the Goethe-Institut for translation funding and support.
Comic books
Tobisch, Jaja Verlag, Berlin 2015
„It’s one hell of a trip! There is even a soundtrack list with old songs and if you google them, you get a lot of scratchy grammophone tunes, it is wunderbar. I will not spoil the end of the story — will Tobisch find his love or not? — but I will say this: I have cried — so beautiful!“
German TV host Hella von Sinnen at the „Max & Moritz“ award show 2016
Ein kleiner Schritt für die Menschheit („A Small Step For Mankind“), Jaja Verlag, Berlin 2019
„Ein kleiner Schritt für die Menschheit is beautifully drawn, hosts some wonderfully bizarre characters whose failure is great fun when observed from a safe distance, and it turns out to be ‚histofiction‘ that is worth reading. It deserves as much praise as Tobisch.“
Comicgate Magazine
Animated Short Film
Der Jäger und der Bär („The Hunter And The Bear“), 2007
„A little melancholy masterpiece!“
Mannheimer Morgen
Watch the film here!
International Film Festivals with „The Hunter And The Bear“
Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen 2008 in Oberhausen, Germany. Nominations in three out of four competitions: Best German, Best Children’s, Best Music Video
Warsaw International Film Festival 2008 in Warsaw, Poland
shnit Kurzfilmfestival 2008 in Berne, Switzerland
Lichter Filmfest 2008, in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Winner of „Best Short“
Molodist International Film Festival 2008 in Kiev, Ukraine
Canadian Film Centre’s Worldwide Short Film Festival 2009 in Toronto, Canada
Anim’est International Animation Film Festival 2009 in Bucuresti, Romania
Environmental Film Festival at Yale 2010, in New Haven, CT, USA. Winner of „Best Short“.
What else?
Besides my two comic books and one animated short film, I have made book illustrations for Stefan Zweig’s Buchmenendel and Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness (the latter one has not been published).
I also have started and never finished another animated short, Kinkon, and made several illustrations for various clients — check out my website for examples.